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Claydon High School

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Young Carers

At Claydon High School, we work very closely with Suffolk Young Carers
and our young carers in school. We have raised school awareness of
young carers through assemblies and teacher training days and we
regularly hold activities, events and fundraisers.  We are very proud to have
achieved Suffolk Young Carers Schools Awards in Bronze, Silver, Gold and

We do have several young people in school who are young carers and we
support them in many different ways such as: arranging meetings in school
for the with the support workers from SYC, extending homework deadlines
if necessary or using the school telephone to call home if they are
concerned about someone there. 

Myself and Mrs Byam, hold regular monthly drop-ins (dates below). This is
open to all students, as having spoken to some of our young carers, they
don’t wish to be “singled out” but are happy to attend the drop-ins with a
friend, who may not necessarily be a carer themselves. This is a time to
relax, have a chat and eat lunch. We usually manage to have some extra
goodies at these sessions too! Our Support Worker, Kieron Whall,
sometimes joins us for these meetings.

As a parent/carer, if you feel there is anything further the school could be doing to support our young carers in school,
please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Byam. Please click here to go to the Suffolk Family Carer's website. 

Mrs Angela Steele - Senior Student Manager


Please click to access the Young Carers Policy 

Drop in Dates 2024-2025: 

 Please come to room AD1 at lunchtime on the following Tuesdays:

17th September 
15th October 
19th November 
17th December 
14th January 
11th February 
18th March 
22nd April  
13th May 
17th June  
15th July