Headteacher's Weekly Update
It has been excellent to have such high attendance at the recent parent/carer consultation evenings for both Year 7 and Year 9; working together with home is vital for the long term success of our students.
I have also been pleased to have two local people express an interest in taking up the post of a school governor. We have appointed Mrs Stedman as a Parent Governor and will also be pleased to welcome another Trust Governor very soon. See our Governors’ page to find out more about this committed group of people who support the school.
This week we have launched our annual hamper appeal which supports the IHAG Chapman Centre in Ipswich. We ask each student to bring in an item for their class hamper or £1 for this charity or another of their choice. This appeal is part of their ongoing support of charities, which will extend into the new year supporting the St Elizabeth Hospice campaign. Whilst some tutor groups do choose a Christmas theme for their hampers the focus of the appeal is to support vulnerable local people at a difficult time of the year. Look out for some wonderful images when we collect these in on Friday 14th December.
Maéve Taylor - Headteacher