Mr N RawlingsHead of Faculty
Mr N Rawlings
Learning, Identity, Faith and Employment (LIFE)
The LIFE programme at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 includes: citizenship, careers education, age appropriate relationships and sex education as well as religious education. This curriculum includes the statutory content for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and relationships and sex education (RSE).
LIFE aims to develop a range of skills including risk management, decision making, empathy, respect for others and financial capability.
LIFE education helps students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, LIFE education helps students to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.
Through the RE element students are encouraged to understand the nature of religious and ethical beliefs and practices and to appreciate their importance in the lives of individuals, communities and cultures. We discuss and consider ethical dilemmas and decisions that will face us when living in our society and hope to equip students with the tools to prepare them in dealing with the variety of beliefs and lifestyles that form our society. Students interested in this topic can chose to study GCSE Religious Studies in Key Stage 4. Click on the link below for more details.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. Please contact Mr Rawlings or your child's Head of Year if you would like to do this.
GCSE Religious Studies (KS4)
What is taught in Key Stage 3 and 4?
Term 1 Autumn 1 |
Term 2 Autumn 2 |
Term 3 Spring 1 |
Term 4 Spring 2 |
Term 5 Summer 1 |
Term 6 Summer 2 |
Year 7 |
What makes us who we are? |
My well-being |
Other religions and me: Hinduism |
My future |
Other religions and re: Judaism |
My relationships |
Year 8 |
Islam, the media and me |
My health risks |
Other religions and me: Sikhism |
My rights |
My relationships 2 |
Humanism |
Year 9 |
Other religions and me: Buddhism |
My relationships |
Other religions and me: Christianity |
Options preparation |
My morality |
My role as a citizen |
Year 10 |
Managing challenges in relationships, family and parenting |
Beliefs and Ethics: Religion and War |
CV writing and job application process |
Year 11 |
Post-16 Options planning and future employment (including Learning About Work Day) |
My influences |
Managing time and coping with stress |
Schemes of Work
Please click on the links below to access more detailed information on what students will be taught throughout the academic year.
The LIFE curriculum also works closely with the Careers Leader; please click here for further information.
KS3 and KS4 LIFE Curriculum Map
RHSE Parent information and consultation letter