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Claydon High School

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Remote Learning

During the occasional periods where students may have to undertake home learning, work from teachers is uploaded onto Google Classroom which is also the place where students access the streaming of live lessons; this might be more problematic for practical subjects such as PE. The summary of our Remote Education Provision provides information to students and parents/carers about what to expect from remote education.

All students in KS3 should have a reading book and can undertake their Accelerated Reading quiz online as well as using Spellzone for regular spelling practice or Memrise to learn MFL vocabulary.  

How to access Google Classroom                  How to upload your work to Google Classroom 

Video guide for students on using Google Classroom 

Student rules on using Google Meet

 Online Learning

All students have access to many online learning forums which means they can use many of the following to enhance, consolidate or stretch their learning:

Please click for a guide to parental safety controls for your home internet provider

Some further general sheets to support students working at home can be found on the homework support section of our SEND page