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Claydon High School

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Importance of Good Attendance and Punctuality

Good attendance is 96% or above. Regular lateness also affects attendance.

Good attendance is a necessary contributor to ensuring the best possible outcomes for all students to:

Be Healthy

  • Attendance at school supports children's emotional and social health and development
  • The school curriculum teaches children to be healthy

Stay Safe

  • Schools have a statutory duty to promote the safety and welfare of children
  • The best way to safeguard children is to ensure they attend school regularly

Enjoy and Achieve

  • Good school attendance supports children in reaching their maximum potential and enjoying the fulfilment this brings

Make a Positive Contribution

  • Membership of a school community builds confidence, gives children a sense of belonging and teaches them to contribute to and be responsible for the wellbeing of others

Achieve Economic Wellbeing

  • Good school attendance supports engagement in further education, employment or training in the future, which in turn helps to support a prosperous and fulfilling lifestyle