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KS3 Homework

Year 7 and Year 8 will have no more than 30 minutes per subject on homework each week or fortnight and for Year 9 this will be 45 minutes.  

In addition to learning French or Spanish vocabulary for 10-15 minutes three times per week, students are encouraged to read each day, they all have a reading book to do this.

Some students completing the Lexia programme may concentrate on English, Maths and Science homework alongside some additional work to boost their literacy; parents/carers will have been informed by letter if their child is on this intervention.

Students have a homework page in their planner to help organise their time, work set each week should be recorded in planners and also on Google Classroom.

KS4 Homework

Year 10 and 11 will have subject homework each week, excluding core PE and LIFE lessons and should expect to be set 60-90 minutes for each subject. Students are also encouraged to be undertaking individual revision using Seneca or other online platforms or revision materials issued by the school.