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Textiles Key Stage 4

Head of Faculty: Mrs L Byam


Why should I choose this subject

Textile Design is recognised as a valid form of Art and Design and is important in all aspects of modern life; whether it is purely as a form of decorative art or if it has more practical functions. 

You will explore and experiment with a wide range of media and processes which may include: Constructed Textiles (weaving/knitting/felting etc), Dyed Textiles, Printed Textiles, Fine Art Textiles and Fashion Textiles. You will learn to investigate a theme thoroughly using sketchbook practice and analyse the work of relevant artists to inform creative decisions. You will develop a range of ideas based upon a set theme, experiment with appropriate techniques and evaluate the creative process throughout.

What controlled assessment/exams are there?

The GCSE Textiles course has two parts, coursework and the final examination. Each of these elements is marked individually and contributes to the final grade awarded. The coursework component of the course requires students to show both their visual and written skills. There are two units of work with set themes and four distinct assessment objectives:

AO1 Contextual Studies and developing ideas

AO2 Experimenting with materials and techniques and refining work 

AO3 Recording Ideas which involves drawing, photography and written accounts

AO4 Completion of the 'Final Piece' which must clearly link to all the other assessment objectives. 

The coursework is worth 60% of the final grade at GCSE.

The course concludes with a ten hour timed examination in response to a set theme. This will be accompanied by a sketchbook which includes eight school-weeks worth of preparatory studies. This is worth 40% of the final grade at GCSE. 

Where will this subject take me?

Within Textile Design, further study can lead to: pure fine Art Textiles, Fashion Design, Surface Decoration (which encompasses; fashion and furnishing fabric design, greetings card and gift wrap design, ceramic design), CAD, dress making, pattern cutting, printing, dyeing, constructed textiles; actually making artefacts such as clothing, bags, rugs and so on. Constructed textiles can also lead into the development of man made and natural materials.


KS3 and KS4 Art and Design Curriculum Map