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Claydon High School

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Ethos and Values

Achievement for all

Our mission is that every member of our community aims to "Be the best you can be"

We want all Claydon High School students to have a strong sense of identity, show pride in themselves, and compassion towards others.  Through embracing challenges they will develop confidence, and by making links across their learning they will have a comprehensive and coherent set of knowledge and skills for their futures. Within an outward looking and inclusive school community our teachers will ignite a passion for learning and inspire our students to strive for excellence, enabling them to contribute to the diverse communities in which they will live and work.  These attributes and attitudes, along with a conscientious approach, will ensure all students secure and achieve aspirational choices and destinations so they can be the “best they can be” and “be the best for life”.
Our core values are:  We CHALLENGE students to be COMPASSIONATE and CONSCIENTIOUS to develop CONFIDENCE.

To help us achieve all we set out to do we ask the following...

From students we expect that...

  • they are committed to their own learning

  • they show respect for others

  • they allow others to learn

  • they are tolerant of the views of others

  • they represent the school in the best way they can

  • they adhere to uniform rules

  • they share their successes

From parents/carers we ask that –

  • you ensure students attend school regularly and on time

  • you ensure students have all the correct equipment and uniform

  • you support the school in maintaining high standards of behaviour and uniform

  • you encourage students to work to the best of their ability with both school and homework

  • you check and sign planners, contact the school if there is a problem and attend consultation evenings

You can expect from us –

  • high standards and expectations

  • information about progress and achievement

  • good communication

  • a broad and balanced curriculum

  • support with any concerns

  • guidance on post 16 studying, progression and opportunities available

Student care and making sure your child is happy

We are very proud of the way we look after our students and work in many ways to make their stay at Claydon High School an enjoyable and happy one.

  • Where possible the form tutor will stay with their tutor group for the duration of their school life and is the first point of contact for parents/carers

  • Tutors, Heads of Year, student managers and subject teachers are available by appointment to talk to parents/carers

  • There are many opportunities to be involved in wider school life through the extra-curricular programme and representing the school in the community.

  • Staff and peer mentors are available to support students

  • Year 7 tutor groups have Year 9 tutor buddies

  • Student leaders and Curriculum Prefects help us to look after new students

  • Rewards are given for a whole range of reasons

  • Celebration assemblies share student success and achievement

  • We have a school counsellor and weekly drop-in sessions with the schools' nursing team.

Learning Support

Students with special education needs follow the same curriculum as all other students at the school but may receive additional support; any learning support provided is specific to the student.

In key stage four students may take fewer GCSE courses and/or may be given the opportunity to participate in courses which better suit their needs.

All students identified as having a special educational need, either at Primary School or at Claydon High School, will have regular reviews and parents/carers will be involved. 

Students who are behind their target grade may be invited to participate in programmes to help improve their Literacy and Numeracy.

We actively encourage parents/carers to work as partners with us in developing and supporting their child’s progress through such strategies as reading with them at home or helping with spelling and handwriting. We also work closely with outside agencies who may be able to offer further support and advice. 

Details of arrangements for co-ordinating special educational needs can be found in the Special Educational Needs Policy and further details can be discussed with Mr Pope, SENDCo.

Students with disabilities - Claydon High School is committed to developing and promoting an inclusive community. Students with disabilities are admitted on equal terms and join in everyday activities with other students. Please visit our SEND page to find out more.

Claydon's Most Able and Talented Students

At Claydon High School our ethos of "Be the best you can be" means that we hold high expectations of all students, challenging them to fulfil and exceed their potential.

We identify CMATS on entry to the school, including those who excel in specific subjects, and support them to work at the highest level. We monitor all students during their time at school and this includes identifying students who will join our CMATS cohort and providing support and intervention opportunities for them in appropriate ways.

Challenge is provided in lessons across the curriculum and in addition there are extra-curricular opportunities for CMATS and others to develop a range of skills and talents. The opportunities offered include: sports fixtures, drama productions, music workshops, creative writing days, author visits, debating competitions, science club, coding club, maths challenge and trips to a wide range of venues as well as the opportunity to take additional GCSE qualifications in Further Maths and Statistics.

We also provide a number of student leadership opportunities to students in each year group to develop wider social and employability skills. Students attend conferences, act as mentors, work as prefects and attend school council.

Safeguarding and Security

The security and wellbeing of our students are taken very seriously.

All staff are trained in safeguarding procedures and all information regarding child protection and safeguarding matters is dealt with as confidentially as possible. Any concerns are referred to our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Safeguarding (ID 1250)