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Design Technology  KS3

Head of Faculty: Ms J Fisk



In Design Technology we aim to develop a broad range of skills and knowledge through the use of project-based learning. The course is guided by the requirements of the National Curriculum for Technology, where-by students learn and develop a range of skills which include; designing, making, analysing, problem solving and evaluating.

The DT department consists of a range of purpose built specialist rooms which include a food technology room, two multi material workshops and a graphics room. All of our specialist rooms are well equipped and students have sole access to laptops, vinyl cutters, 3D printers, a laser cutter and a wide range of tools and cooking equipment.

Design Technology is taught on a rotation basis at KS3 to ensure that pupils experience a wide range of skills which can be used across the curriculum. Currently students work in specific areas within Graphics, Resistant Materials, Food and Nutrition and Computer Science.

 Resistant Materials

 Year 7

Students are introduced to the workshop and shown the basics of woodworking to develop their knowledge of materials and handling hand tools. Students make a Sweet Dispenser and through this project they will learn about the different types of wood, recycling and sustainability and also have an introduction to Isometric Drawing.

Year 8

Students’ knowledge is extended further by the introduction of Polymers and the different types and their ability to be recycled. Students’ skills are developed through exploring the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and designing a LED Lamp in a similar style. Using CAD (2D Design) and CAM (Laser Cutter) students reproduce their work in plastic. Hand skills are developed by the introduction of using hand power tools and jigs to produce the base. Simple soldering skills are used to produce the circuit for the lamp. Students will also have the opportunity to develop drawing skills by producing presentation drawings and 3rd Angle Orthographic of their final product.


 Year 7

The mini-torch project introduces students to the concepts of socially responsible design. Students are taught a range of drawing skills and introduced to using Computer Aided Design and Manufacture through the design of the torch. The torch is produced on the laser cutter and students also learn the value of sustainability and minimising wastage in the production of product packaging. Concepts of enterprise are referenced through the promotional aspects of the designs as well.

Year 8

The Year 8 project is focused on working with scale and based around the concept of the user. Students work through the concept of the "perfect living space". Students will investigate scale, prototyping, proportion and modelling to develop an accurate, to scale, reproduction of their client's living space with the view of revamping it.

Through model making and CAD/CAM work (inclusive of using the laser cutter and the option of the 3D printer) students will reproduce their living space and make scale, self assembled furniture to decorate it. We look at the areas of sustainability and material properties as part of the course to tie in with the concept of the GCSE.

How will I be assessed?

 All students are assessed on a regular basis through a variety of techniques which enable students to measure their progress against the National Curriculum and gain valuable feedback on how to improve their work.


KS3 Design Technology Curriculum Map