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Claydon High School

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Authorised and Unauthorised Absences

You can access your child's attendance record on the Arbor. Good attendance is 96% and above. Our aim is for all students at Claydon High School to achieve good attendance. The information below will help provide guidance on the difference between an authorised and an unauthorised absence. Please note these lists are for guidance; the decision of authorised/unauthorised absence is at the discretion of the Headteacher.

Authorised Absence

  • A child is too ill to attend to school and, after a period of 5 days absence, medical evidence has been provided
  • For a child at persistent absence (below 90%) medical evidence is provided
  • Medical evidence is provided where there is a regular pattern of illness.

Please note that Claydon High School recognises the difficultly in obtaining appropriate medical evidence for occasional absence due to mental health reasons. However, parents/carers should work closely with the school to develop the most appropriate support to maximise attendance. Prolonged absence due to mental ill health does require medical evidence, in the same way that it is necessary for all absence due to illness/injury.

Unauthorised Absence

  • Medical evidence is not provided for an illness after 5 days of absence.
  • Medical evidence is not provided for a child at a level of persistent absence
  • Medical evidence is not provided for illness absence immediately before or after a period of school holiday
  • Medical evidence is not provided where there is a regular pattern to illness absence
  • Claydon High School considers the absence was not unavoidable or exceptional
  • A leave of absence request is declined but leave is still taken
  • No explanation is received from the parent/carer as to the reason for the absence