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Claydon High School

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Attendance Support

Attendance is monitored closely for all students. Good attendance is acknowledged and celebrated in school throughout the year. This is done for individuals, form groups and year groups. Regular monitoring allows us to celebrate success through recognition in assemblies, certificates and the infamous duck race!

Some children do have barriers around attending school. Your child could be avoiding school for a number of reasons: struggling with school work and friendship or family difficulties are common issues that we see. However, we are very much aware that there are many other reasons why children will struggle to cross the threshold of school.

It is important that we identify the reason for your child's reluctance to attend school and work together to tackle the problem. Staff are available to talk through any problems openly with your child and yourselves. Please contact the school to make an appointment with Mrs Baldwin, Attendance Welfare Officer or ask your child to speak to their form tutor, student managers or Head of Year. We may involve other agencies to help and support your child.

In some cases you may find it helpful to discuss the circumstances of your child's difficulties with the school nursing team. Details of your nearest clinic can be located on the NHS website or a referral can be made via the school.

In school we will also signpost our students to useful resources that can help and support attendance at home, bespoke to the challenges that they may be facing.

Useful Links (please click)

Not fine in school - This is a parent/carer led organisation set up in response to the number of children that struggle with school attendance.

Young Minds - A great website with a variety of useful resources. Here you will find a guide for parents/carers on school anxiety and refusal, including how to support children and tips on working with school and other external services.

Suffolk County Council - Resources and guidance from our own county council. This website contains resources for children and their families around emotional based school avoidance, known as EBSA.

Kooth - This is an online support/app for children with emotional difficulties in Suffolk. A good place to signpost your child if they are struggling with their mental health.

The Source - This is also a website that you can signpost your child to, it is full of information, advice and sources of support for children in Suffolk.

More resources can be found on our Mental Heath and Wellbeing page.

Please click to download a copy of the Exceptional Leave of Absence Application Form