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Key Stage 4 Business Studies

Subject Teacher: Mr S Hart

Head of Faculty: Mr G Cox

Co-Second in Faculty: Miss L Fowler and Miss O Doran


We all need to work, either in self employment or for a vast variety of other organisations, large or small, profit making or non-profit making.  Business Studies will give you an understanding of business language and how businesses operate, manage their finances and adapt to remain successful.

What will I learn?

In our Business curriculum students will learn about ‘Enterprise in the Business World’; exploring what businesses do, trends that affect them, how they operate and the factors that influence their success.  Students will go on to plan an idea for a new business and then present a business model for a business start-up. In the Finance topic students will learn how businesses have to spend money before they can make a profit, and when they spend money, they incur costs.  As well as profit, cash is an important factor in business success and students will learn how to use budgets and cash flow forecasts and the calculation of break even. Two further topic areas concentrate on branding and development. A further two topics are explored to round off the course; Promotion and Recruitment, Selection and Employment.

How will I be assessed?

The NCFE Tech Award in Enterprise (single GCSE equivalence) has two parts, coursework and an examination. Each of these elements is marked individually and contributes to the final grade awarded. The coursework is worth 75% of the final grade and is completed by working through mini projects connected to 3 broad topic areas.  The examination, worth 25% of the final grade, is based on the Finance topic. Coursework is graded as: Pass (C), Merit (B), Distinction (A) at Level 2.
Coursework is not completed under controlled conditions and may be improved and re-submitted.

Where will this take me?

The NCFE Tech Award is a stepping stone to either employment or the further study of business at A Level/BTEC National Diploma.  The understanding of business language and theory applied through coursework will equip you with the knowledge and skills to start training and working within a vast array of businesses, from retail outlets and beauty salons to the trades, such as plumbing and construction/engineering.

KS4 Business Curriculum Map